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The Colour Forge


Palettes Worthy Of A King Kong Sized Project

You asked if it was possible to go bigger than our maxi drybrush palette. We spent a moment thinking about it and realised, we could do you TWO bigger than the maxi! 

And because size does matter to us, we made it our mission to make an XL and even an XXL drybrush palette!  Ready for all the dry brushing any project could require.

Maybe you simply don’t have the time to prime your board in between uses, you’ve now got more space to play around. Or if, like us, you’re a little lazy and want to just sit and focus on your painting project. You’ve now got all the space you could possibly want!

You can even give yourself a little side quest and try making these as colourful as possible while you paint!

And because we’ve got to fill out an entire blog with information about these palettes, we’re going to show you just how big they are! With a very traditional banana for scale.

Just look at how much room you have for activities on these drybrush palettes.

And if you need a refresher about how to use any of our amazing drybrush palettes, here’s a link to our how-to guide.

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