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The Colour Forge


They’re Back! Restocks Have Landed

We told you a few weeks ago about the stock shortages that were hitting the most popular lines, but the hard work our ops team put in has paid off, and those lines have been flooding back in stock and going through quality checks this week!

So what’s Back In Stock?

Nearly every colour in the current range is back in stock today. As we write this Steelforged Silver is still out of stock HOWEVER should be ready to go through quality checks in the next day or so and will be back on the website as soon as it passes!

That just leaves a couple of colours still out of stock, but fear not, the ops teams will be working to fix that as soon as they can.

That means the colours you guys grab more than any other are back in the warehouse ready for you to pick up. Matt Black, Matt White, Matt Varnish, Wight Bone and the rest.

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