The Ultimate Terrain Painting Tutorial
- Posted by stuartl in Announcements
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The Underforge Modular Terrain System isn’t the only thing we’re releasing this month. Go and follow the link below to get yourself the Ultimate Terrain Painting Tutorial.
An insanely quick way to paint as much terrain as you could possibly need!

We 100% nicked the idea for this tutorial from The State Of Play over on YouTube. But before we get expelled for plagiarism we did get his permission before changing the tutorial somewhat.
It’s a great way to paint terrain to a high standard very quickly. In fact, we found the part that took the longest was waiting for each step to dry and shaking the next spray can, so adding more terrain doesn’t really add much time to the process. We have yet to reach the endpoint where the 1st piece of terrain is dry by the time we finish spraying the last piece, so we need to do test runs with more and more terrain. If you get to that point, let us know how much you manage to paint in a single session.
Through a clever choice of colours and some easy techniques, we’ve managed to get a brilliant finish on a load of terrain in a single afternoon, ready to play on that evening!

The main part of the tutorial focuses on using the sprays to get the technique done. This can totally be your 100% done and finished terrain, it looks great. But as with everything in this hobby you’re only done when you want to be done. So this spray technique could equally be your 80% complete, and there’s 20% of painting to add washes, pick our details etc. We’ve made a board that is half and half, something we’ll be bringing to shows we attend in 2025, and it demonstrates both the spray-only paint scheme and additional detail work. From there it’s entirely up to you!
We’ve used plastic terrain in the tutorial guide, but you can see below that the steps work just as well on our new MDF set. In fact, if we hadn’t been so excited to get our hands on The Underforge we might have thought to paint it before we glued it together allowing for even more varied colours and textures on various parts.