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The Colour Forge


The First Colour In The Signature Series!

The reveals keep on rolling as we get closer and closer to the launch of our Kickstarter!

Today we start to show off the colours each of our collaborators went for, and hear from the creators themselves on why they chose the colours they did.

First up, Mikey from Hellstorm Wargaming (seen here with a bumper crop of Yorkshire’s finest) talks about his *chef’s kiss* of a colour, Reliquary Red!


“Considering there’s a certain video game from 2005 and a particular army that got me into the hobby… It had to be a deep red! Ever since I’ve been a baby gamer, my armies have been red red red – it’s my most used colour by far and I’m so lucky to be able to introduce Reliquary Red, a distinctive rich red, to The Colour Forge line! It’s so iconic and versatile, it can be used for all different types of miniatures, and so convenient in an aerosol can compared to dragging out the airbrush. I’m excited to see how people end up using this colour, or just stealing schemes from me!”

You can see Mikey’s Blood Ravens on his channel
Take a look here.


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Comments 2

  • Martin Ashley

    Got to be honest, it’s been really frustrating that you made Ruinous Red unavailable for soo long so you could re-brand and re-name the same colour matched spray as part of a kickstarter campaign and call it new.

    • Stuart Lee

      Hey Martin, I get how it could be seen that way but that’s really not how it happened. We decided to discontinued Ruinous Red with a handful of other colours nearly a year before we started talking to creators about possible collaborations. One of the big motivations for The Signature Series was that it was chosen by the creators, so we felt we should honour the Hellstorm selection (partly because they were so passionate about it) even if it opened us up to questions like yours (and you haven’t been the first). In the end we trust that those in the community who know us, understand that we aren’t that cold, callous, or calculated (or any other alliterative words you want to throw in). And those who don’t really know us yet, we can prove its not some weird marketing ploy is that the other colours that were discontinued with Ruinous Red, like Drake Scale Green, didn’t turn up in The Signature Series.
      I get your frustration, but hope you can see the positive side that a colour that you liked is back, like some demon Primarch whose just been stitched back together in the warp to rampage around again.

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