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The Colour Forge


A Brand New Metallic!? Yes Please!

We really can’t wait to start showing off primed minis with this new metallic!
And the fact that Siege Studios has a custom marine colour scheme ready to go… tickle me excited!

Here’s what James has to say about Siege Armour


“The idea for a custom Space Marine chapter came up a little while ago on our podcast and we immediately got to planning the colour scheme. Even with The Colour Forge being our go-to primer, there wasn’t a readily available spray can that ticked the boxes we wanted for the light brass armour we had settled on. As soon as we had the chance to work on a Signature Series spray can with The Colour Forge, we knew it was the perfect opportunity to make the colour available as a primer.

On top of this, as a company we fulfil hundreds upon hundreds of projects every year so when we were deciding on what colour to make our can – versatility was the top priority. With Siege Armour being a light brass it’s the perfect base for any aged metallic. This makes it suitable for an array of different projects as you can leave the colour as is, or tint as you wish with an appropriately coloured glaze.”

You can see Siege Studios’ website and their incredible gallery of painted minis.
Take a look here.


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