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The Colour Forge


Today’s Breaking News? – Hellstorm Wargaming joins the Signature Series

As a Sheffield-based company, we love that we are able to work with this local legend and all-round lovely guy!

So in the best Hellstorm tradition, this breaking news is brought to you via a tiny laptop, and far too late to be covered on Wednesday’s stream! Announcing today’s collaborator for the upcoming Signature Series:

Hellstorm Wargaming!

Tabletop and 3D Printing Commentary King, award-winning painter and all-around handsome. Mikey at Hellstorm Wargaming is a community veteran who keeps the internet up to date with the latest news and hot topics, whilst also running some of the best tournaments in the country.

Where would we be without the moral compass that is Hellstorm streams? Combined with battle reports, coverage of the 40k competitive scene, and all mixed in with the occasional insane cooking or credit card stream!

If you’ve not seen Mikey’s channel before, it is really worth checking out.
Take a look here.

As we’ve said already, we’re keeping their chosen colour and colour names under wraps, but a just a few more collaborators to reveal and we’ll get straight into it!

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