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The Colour Forge


Hobby Hacks & Tutorials By The Bucketload – It’s MidWinter Minis!

We’re thrilled to announce the team over at Midwinter Minis are joining the Signature Series!

Guy and Hatty are taking their hobby hack and tutorial chops and combining it with our classically great spray primers to bring a new colour the the Signature Series!

Midwinter Minis!

“Midwinter Minis make miniature painting and tabletop hobbying approachable and exciting, with hundreds of painting tutorials, fun challenge videos, and immersive battle reports that are informative and entertaining for total newcomers and experienced wargamers alike.”

We’ve loved Midwinter Minis and have always been inspired by the models they put together, especially those world-famous sandstone Necrons which sprouted a paint scheme for our own crons!

If you’ve not seen Midwinder Mini’s’ channel before, its worth checking out.
Take a look here.

Want to see what colour Guy and Hatty have chosen? Check our socials over the next few days as we start to reveal the colours and names each of these brilliant creators has decided on!

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